best landing page builder software tools free

A landing piece of paper planner is a software with the purpose of helps you clearly create in force landing pages to raise your conversions. It plus allows you to pick from templates with the purpose of comprise already been tested and are informative in converting visitors with various types of landing pages.

Following is a handpicked lean of Top Landing Page Builder Software, with their prevalent skin and website family. The lean contains both ajar source (free) and business-related (paid) software.

Top Landing Page Creator/Builder Tools
Name Link
Landingi https://landingi.Com/landing-page-design/
Wix https://www.Wix.Com/website/templates/html/landing-pages
Instapage https://instapage.Com/products/landing-page-builder
Leadpages https://www.Leadpages.Net/home
Unbounce https://unbounce.Com/
GetResponse https://www.Getresponse.Com/features/landing-page-creator
Hubspot https://www.Hubspot.Com/marketing/am_landing-pages-hsmf
Clickfunnels https://www.Clickfunnels.Com/
Ucraft https://www.Ucraft.Com/free-landing-page-creator
ShortStack https://www.Shortstack.Com/templates/
Elementor https://elementor.Com/
Squarespace https://www.Squarespace.Com/
Awber https://www.Aweber.Com/landing-page-builder.Htm
EngageBay https://www.Engagebay.Com/marketing/landing-pages
Sunny Landing Pages https://sunnylandingpages.Com/
Kickoff Labs https://app.Kickofflabs.Com/landing-page-templates
PageCloud https://www.Pagecloud.Com/website-templates/landing-pages
Launchrock https://www.Launchrock.Com/
Wishpond https://www.Wishpond.Com/landing-pages/
Divi https://www.Elegantthemes.Com/
Google Sites https://gsuite.Google.Com/intl/en_in/products/sites/
SendinBlue https://www.Sendinblue.Com/features/landing-pages/
Lander https://landerapp.Com/
Carrd https://carrd.Co/
Makeswift https://www.Makeswift.Com/

1) Landingi
Landingi landing piece of paper planner is a platform in place of landing pages exclusive of every IT and coding skills. It is individual of the most excellent landing piece of paper planner with the purpose of helps you to create, distribute, optimize your landing pages, and run a/b tests by manually.


Integrations with Salesforce, Mailchimp, Hubspot, and so forth.
This tool wires AWS cloud hosting.
This unbound landing piece of paper planner offers plugins, form creation, and piece of paper design
It enables you made landing network pages on your Facebook piece of paper.
Captures leads and allows them to go mechanization using individuals leads.
Pros Cons
Offers unconstrained landing pages and information. AMP landing piece of paper functionality not on hand.
Provide200+ landingpage templates.
Offers analytics and callback and chat integrations.
It allows you to track pixels and dynamic text replacement.

2) Wix
Wix is a very well-known website planner, helps you to create standalone pages from your website. This software certainly is not designed in place of robust landing piece of paper creation and optimization.


500+ themes and templates
Flexible: Websites, blogs, and online provisions.
Wix provides a safe shopping cart.
Provide services like catalog and order management.
Track traffic with Google Analytics.
Offers attribute in place of fling & get along invoices.
Pros Cons
Wide selection of professionally designed templates. Offers simply basic SEO integrations.
Offers photo galleries in place of showcasing your warehouse products. Does not offer many unbound templates and premium templates are quite costly.
It provides unbound hosting and the free expression to put up your warehouse look exactly the way you comprise imagined.
Integrated Wix HTML5 editor in place of customizing all page

3) Instapage
Instapage helps you to build bespoke, mobile-responsive, and conversion-optimized post-click landing pages. It is individual of the most excellent landing piece of paper planner which allows you to save an unparalleled mobile experience with built-in AMP support.


Drag & fall WYSIWYG editor
Support in place of tape
Social widgets
Form planner
Free subdomains and allows you to distribute to multiple domains
Team associate & client access
Offers powerful drag and fall editor
Pros Cons
Convert more leads with customizable forms. Does not offer every popup options.
It helps you to integrate with your marketing stack in place of accurate attribution and information nurturing.
You can create and renew post-click pages in minutes.
It allows you to streamline the make another study of process with real-time Collaboration.

4) Leadpages
LeadPages is a powerful claim with the purpose of enables you to have a passion for email subscribers. It offers tons of templates with the purpose of you can be consume landing pages and information magnets to grow your email lean.


It provides a mobile-responsive cut-out to create high-level converting landing pages.
You can meander your network traffic into sales with a conversion toolkit.
It offers trouble-free to read analytics console.
You can tailor the website or piece of paper by in a minute drag and fall the elements you plan.
It has a plain, easier process to build websites, alert bars, pop-ups, and more.
Leadpages enables you to integrate with Zapier.
Pros Cons
Low opening rate. Not all templates are not unbound.
Quality A/B taxing and analytics attribute. Limited customization.
Unlimited traffic and leads.

5) Unbounce
Unbounce’s landing-page software is individual of the most excellent in existence exactly at this time. It helps you to build custom landing pages with diverse piece of paper elements.


You can create landing pages in place of desktop and mobile, exclusive of needing to code.
It offers more than 100 high-converting templates.
Publish straight to your WordPress position with our WP landing.
Conduct A/B Test to come across the highest converting piece of paper of your position.
It allows you to pick from done 850,000 expert, copyright-free images.
Pros Cons
Popup and sticky apart from creation All policy limit the total of visitors.
?Ut?M?T?D ??L ?N?R??T??N No automatic sync amid Google Ads and landing pages.
Dynamic text replacement in place of SEM campaigns
AMP-ready mobile pages

6) GetResponse
Getresponse is an email marketing platform with the purpose of allows you to create a valuable marketing lean of partners, clients, and prospects. It provides many expert looking email templates.


Getresponse offers ready-made workflows to hail your customers.
It enables you to generate leads with a high-quality landing piece of paper.
This tool helps you to build a marketing campaign with a ready-made cone-shaped tool.
It has well ahead analytics to agree to you track conversions, ROI, and leads.
Pros Cons
Google Analytics integration. Does not allow you to look at private subscriber profiles.
Easy-to-use tracking tool. Does not provide refunds, even on yearly policy.
No message limits.
Option to freeze accounts.

7) Hubspot
HubSpot is an all-in-one software solution in place of marketers as it includes functionality in place of CRM, forms, marketing mechanization, sales pipeline, and so forth. The tool pairs well with most excellent in breed summit solutions.


It provides drag and fall provision to build network pages, landing pages, email templates, and blog posts.
You can know information opens an email, download an attachment, link clicks by tracking email.
It provides wires Google calendar, HubSpot CRM, and Office 365.
It enables you to create and share email templates.
You can fix with your prospects through live chat on hand on the website.
Pros Cons
Directly integrates with Hubspot’s other powerful tools. More expensive on higher-tier policy
A/B test all element on the piece of paper. A/B taxing unavailable with the Starter map.

8) ClickFunnels
ClickFunnels is a landing piece of paper planner software which helps you to bazaar, retail, and save your products online. It simplifies the marketing and distribution of products using cone-shaped tool options.


Dashboard in place of monitoring dealing KPIs
Campaign analysis and Communication management
CRM and email autoresponder
Pre-built cone-shaped tool templates
Drag & fall interface
Highly converting Landing piece of paper templates
Multi-channel communications
Campaign promotion management
Offers plugins, form creation, and piece of paper design
Easy to add videos, tracking code, and so forth.
Pros Cons
Clickfunnels allows you to retail every creation online. It offers very not many options in place of customization.
It allows you to move content around and walk a dealing live online. Not provide support in place of multiple languages and locations.
Guide your visitors step-by-step all over the sales process.

9) Ucraft
Ucraft is a website planner with the purpose of helps you to meander your ideas into an online website. This tool is ideal in place of any person looking to develop a bespoke website in place of themselves or to present their dealing, projects, or proceedings.


Helps you to move content around and walk a dealing piece of paper live
Fast and Secure Transactions.
Payment and Shipping.
Seamless App Integrations.
Free Landing Page Creator.
You will comprise to host your piece of paper on a brand new website URL.
Pros Cons
SSL security across all policy. Only 15 pages with the unbound map.
Unlimited total of pages with all paid policy. Integrations simply on hand with paid policy.

10) ShortStack
ShortStack is a landing piece of paper tool with a twist. You be supposed to able to create landing pages to host contests using Instagram Facebook or Twitter Contests, and so forth. It plus has about mechanization skin.


Offers templates include quizzes, contests, giveaways, , and email collection.
It helps you to automate emails to information captures on-page.
Create stunning creation landing piece of paper
Pros Cons
Unlimited campaigns & emails. It offers scalable creation and personalization skin.
Custom CSS with all policy. It provides 60 templates with Business and Agency policy.
It allows you to fix user-generated content.

11) Elementor
Elementor has established itself as the go-to WordPress piece of paper planner plugin. It helps you to control all the aspects of your network design workflow from individual place.


Built exclusively in place of WordPress sites.
Provide most excellent drag and fall planner.
Helps you to launch pixel-perfect pages exclusive of typing a single line of code.
Pros Cons
It offers 50+ widgets and 300+ templates with all paid policy. It is not a landing piece of paper solution, in a minute a WordPress plugin.
It provide dynamic content & custom fields capabilities. No AMP pages or heatmap tracking.
Role boss & 24/7 support.

12) Squarespace
Squarespace is a website planner tool with the purpose of is acknowledged in place of its professionally designed templates. This tool offers Squarespace software with the purpose of combines hosting, templates, and themes. It plus provides CMS, e-commerce, and technical support.


500+ themes and templates
Flexible: Websites, blogs, and online provisions.
It helps you to optimize in place of mobile mistreat.
Wix provides a safe shopping cart.
Easy tracking in place of all order.
Provides services like catalog and order management
Offers attribute in place of fling & get along invoices.
Pros Cons
The ample selection of professionally designed templates. Does not provide unbound templates and premium templates are quite expensive.
Photo galleries in place of showcasing your warehouse products. Provides simply basic SEO integrations.
Drag-and-drop warehouse planner built-in.
Unlimited products & bandwidth
100 fully customizable templates.

13) Awber
Awber is an email marketing and landing piece of paper planner tool. It repeatedly creates emails and landing pages. This landing piece of paper planner offers Pre-built analytics and treatment.


Basic marketing mechanization functionality
Responsive email designs
RSS / blog to-email functionality
List segmentation options
This landing piece of paper software provides integrations with third-party apps
Pros Cons
You can create a mailing lean and capture data on top of it. AWeber does not comprise a unbound map.
You can look at and investigate statistics interconnected to your email marketing campaigns You cannot mistreat it in your emails; otherwise, AWeber closes your credit.

14) EngageBay
EngageBay is trouble-free to mistreat appealing landing pages maker. It offers plain drag and fall attribute. It provides enough of tools in place of landing pages to information management.


It helps you to build reactive landing pages using the easiest drag and fall designer.
It allows you to get hard. Page’s meta title, depiction, and keywords through the Settings tab.
When your landing pages are live, you might clearly overseer how they go.
Pros Cons
Marketing Automation Integration Offer least landing piece of paper templates.
Email Marketing Hard to edit email templates and landing pages.
Internal Chat Integration
Fast verify storage

15) Sunny Landing Pages
Sunny Landing pages allow in place of trouble-free integration with 500+ apps using trouble-free to setup webhooks. The tool helps you to walk your landing piece of paper data to all your software exclusive of the need of a long coding project.


It helps you to design and distribute pro-looking pages.
You can convert more visitors by understanding visitor attributes and behavior trends.
Offers Conversation tracking
Wide range of Ready-Made Templates with examples
Pros Cons
Lead Capture Pop-Ups You need the training to mistreat it.
Provides optimized Templates in place of transportable Devices
Key Email Service Integrations.
Lead Capture Pop-Ups.

16) Kickoff Labs
KickoffLabs is landing piece of paper planner software. It is individual of the most excellent landing piece of paper planner which allows you to get hard up a Campaign with a viral round such as Leaderboards, Coupons, Waitlists, and so forth.


Unlimited landing pages, popups contests, and referrals.
A/B taxing with all junk mail.
It is designed to help you launch and promote brand new products/services.
Fraud protection helps you to prevent fake contest entries and referrals.
Pros Cons
45 customizable templates. A/B taxing, multiple campaigns, custom domains, and integrations are simply on hand on higher-tier policy.
Designed specifically in place of viral contests.
You can mistreat your campaign as a landing piece of paper, popup, slide-in Bar, or custom HTML.
Link: Https://app.Kickofflabs.Com/landing-page-templates

17) PageCloud
PageCloud is a landing website planner with a novel drag-and-drop. This landing piece of paper planner tool provides thousands of customizable building blocks in place of your website.


PageCloud templates offer you a opening design in place of your brand new website.
Drag and fall or print and paste everything from anywhere.
Seamlessly integrates with thousands of stunning fonts.
Help you swear unswerving navigation across your website.
Pros Cons
Beautifully-designed templates. Templates are not repeatedly mobile-responsive.
Huge scope in place of customization. It lacks standard e-commerce, blogging, and an option in place of analytics.
Three associates can masterpiece on a position on every individual moment in time.
Link: Https://www.Pagecloud.Com/website-templates/landing-pages

18) Launchrock
Launchrock is a far-reaching landing piece of paper planner tool with the purpose of helps expert persons and businesses who are looking to launch a dealing or a brand new creation.


Responsive design
Signup capture
Pre-sale eCommerce
Social exchange ideas sharing
Audience discovery
WYSIWYG & custom HTML blocks
Pros Cons
Support in place of network promotion. It is not powerful in expressions of customization.
Launchrock audience discovery. Suitable in place of simply small businesses.
View customer data and referral waves.
Full suite of power methodical tools.
Link: Https://www.Launchrock.Com/

19) Wishpond
Wishpond is a marketing platform in place of generating and organization your leads. It is individual of the most excellent landing piece of paper creator with the purpose of includes tools in place of landing pages, social promotions, online forms, information hobby tracking, website, and more.


You can create and test mobile-friendly landing pages in not many period.
It enables you to generate tons in place of all piece of paper of your position with clearly customizable popups.
Automatically convert leads into sales depend on real moment in time hobby.
Wishpond allows you to fix with 30+ marketing platforms.
Pros Cons
Unlimited landing pages, social contests, and popups Not a devoted landing piece of paper tool.
All the compulsory marketing mechanization features Heatmaps not incorporated
Pricing based on total of leads, not skin.
Link: Https://www.Wishpond.Com/landing-pages/

20) Divi
Divi is a WordPress theme urbanized by Elegant Themes and individual of the novel drag-and-drop piece of paper planner. This WordPress landing piece of paper planner allows you to design beautiful websites exclusive of emotive a single line of code.


Build Pages Visually
On the front side of your website
Customize all part of your website.
Power design tool in place of wordPress.
Pros Cons
Powerful drag-and-drop planner. An editor can be glitchy on set of buildings pages.
Extensive design and customization options. No email or marketing skin.
A solid range of templates
Extensive customization.
Link: Https://www.Elegantthemes.Com/

21) Google Sites
Google Sites is a network page-creation tool free by Google. It allows you to create plain network sites with the purpose of support collaboration amid singular editors.


Allows you to upload record and folders
Option in place of live work in partnership restriction.
This unbound landing piece of paper planner provides trouble-free to mistreat WYSIWYG editor
It offers google drive integration.
New Google sites help and updates
Pros Cons
Easy to upload/embed credentials, family, presentations, and so forth. You cannot tailor it.
You can create many pages.
Allows you to create unconstrained sites
Link: Https://gsuite.Google.Com/intl/en_in/products/sites/

22) SendinBlue
Sendinblue is individual of the top landing piece of paper planner tool which provides a more beleaguered visitor experience by building your custom landing pages.


Build the design you plan.
Helps you to get along Email and SMS marketing effectively.
It allows you to personalize all step of your customer journey.
It helps you to build stronger relationships by keeping track of all your call details in individual place.
Save moment in time and boost performance by automating your segmentation.

Pros Cons
Offers integrated email marketing skin. No unbound map simply on hand on the Premium map.
Landing piece of paper goals and reports.
Templates are fresh and novel.
Smooth drag-and-drop planner.
Link: Https://www.Sendinblue.Com/features/landing-pages/

23) Lander
Lander is trouble-free to mistreat landing piece of paper creator. It helps you to test your print, images, CTAs, flag in real moment in time to walk on the spot results.


Lander’s visual editor is super trouble-free to design and tailor your landing piece of paper
This landing piece of paper software allows you to match your PPC ad’s keywords dynamically with your PPC ad’s landing piece of paper.
Offers phone and email support.
Provides tape tutorial.
Pros Cons
A/B taxing with all junk mail. No Google Ads integration.
It offers unconstrained mobile-ready pages with auto-fill forms. Dynamic text replacement simply on hand with a Professional map.
Email marketing integration Does not offer tech support with the Basic plan/
Custom code restriction.
Link: Https://landerapp.Com/

24) Carrd
Carrd is a unique, efficient network and landing piece of paper planner. It is individual of the most excellent landing piece of paper creator with the purpose of helps you to create a landing piece of paper in place of manually or your dealing while requiring as little of your moment in time and energy as potential.


Publish sites to every custom domains owned by you.
It allows you to embed your custom code and widgets from third-party services like PayPal, Stripe, and Gumroad.
You can build and distribute more than three sites from a single Carrd credit.
You can add Google Analytics tracking ID to all of your sites to track and check in traffic.
Pros Cons
Rearranging the content on the piece of paper is super trouble-free. Sites inadequate to individual piece of paper.
Well-designed editor
High-quality images.
Each element has several singular customization options.
It allows you to edit the title and meta tags in place of your piece of paper.
Link: Https://carrd.Co/

25) Makeswift
Landing Lion is designed in place of building landing pages and network pages. It is at this time relaunching as a Makeshift is a brand new code-free website planner with the purpose of promises to alter the way we build pages.


Customizable Templates.
Drag and fall Builder.
Dynamic Text Replacement.
SEO Management.
This unbound landing piece of paper software offers real Time Editing.
Pros Cons
Plenty of design free expression. It is not the cheapest option on the bazaar.
Durable integration options.
The visitor playback attribute allows you to guarantee visitor behavior.
SEO optimization tool.
Link: Https://www.Makeswift.Com/

❓ What is the Landing piece of paper planner?
A landing piece of paper planner is a software with the purpose of helps you create in force, trouble-free landing pages to raise your conversions. It plus allows you to pick from templates with the purpose of comprise already been tested and are informative in converting visitors with various types of landing pages.

🚀 Which are the Best Landing Page Builder Tools?
Below are about of the Best Landing Page Builder Tools:

⚡ How is a landing piece of paper singular from a network piece of paper?
Landing pages are singular than network pages of a position. They on no account mistreat in place of universal tenacity. They on no account look the same as network pages as they are built to drive traffic in place of a identifiable marketing campaign.

🏅 Should landing pages be indexed?
Landing pages be supposed to not be indexable in place of search engines.

👉 Do landing pages affect SEO?
No, with the purpose of is not bona fide. Landing pages on no account spoil the SEO of your position until you are not able to optimize your landing piece of paper accurately.

❗ Are landing pages are in force?
Landing pages can provide the following reimbursement:

They help promote a conclusive number one impression.
Landing pages promote customer focus.
You can clearly capture conversions from a well-designed landing piece of paper.

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